It took me awhile to finally decide to make this blog, I was thinking of doing it right after the day when my work has ended. But things aren’t going my way, I become lazy and nothing is coming out of my mind. So I just let time pass by, and just go with what comes around day after day. After 2 months of holding on to it, I guess, now is the time to talk about things and what really happened and what’s really inside my heart! I was in confusion when my boss told me that I will be transferred to another boss, with no idea of how is it going to be like, I said I’ll see and try. To cut the story short, the job was okay, but the rules, it’s a no, no for me! I come up with a decision not to take the new job, which I am supported by my family and some friends who knows the whole story.  In the midst of this confusion and unintended resignation, I was asked many times, “what does she says about it”, “what is her reaction with regard to it”, where is she from all of that is happening”. I don’t want to put the blame on her because in one way or another she’s the reason why I had a job for the past 6 months. And I am thankful for that, I know that she had helped me and I had helped her too. But there is a certain thing which I think is not beyond my control and that is my emotion. That at the back of all these, I was mad, I was hurt, I felt I was left hanging in the air, I was left with no choice. Yes! I maybe sensitive, but being sensitive in a manner which I think I know I was truly hurt. The “She” is a dear friend to me; we’ve been together for more than a decade and it really pains me that after all these years, this can be happening to the 2 of us. I had the job because She asked me to be her reliever because she’ll be giving birth, then she’ll be back 3 mos. after. So she did. Everything was okay then, we were helping out one another with the job, until this transferring thing came. That’s the time I felt I was out in the picture; I am no longer part of the workplace neither part of the plans. I felt no support coming from her, I was hoping that she’ll do something about it, or the least she can do is to try to talk to our boss. I’m not into self-pitying or asking for sympathies, I am only wishing that somehow she could’ve done something during that difficult time.:( In my mind, She is the last sort I have to stay in the job, (previous one) But none of that happens, for all I know..

So, I left the new job, I am currently a bum right now, with all that has happened, I will say, here I go again.. “Frustrated” “Depressed” “Stressed” I am Defeated! It’s not easy admitting such things when all I ever wanted is to work. But things happen in a snap of a finger, that I can’t do anything about it. 

As I look back over the past six months I’ve learned a lot, I realized that life would really turn you upside down, that people will come and go into your life. Some you will either choose to stay, or not.  Some will remember you, some will not. It’s how you treated them and how well you leave a mark in their lives. For me, I know in my heart that I’ve tried my best to be friends with them, to be true and let them see the real me. I’m not perfect, never will I, I have made mistakes, but that’s me. Whether they like or hate me it’s up to them. All I know is that I was happy meeting all of them. Anyways, this has always been a problem with me, when I get too attached to people and learned to love and value them, I always get hurt in the end. Parting has really been a headache for me, I know because I’ve gone through it, and it wasn’t easy. With what happened, I need to endure it, and it hurts a lot coz I miss them. I miss everything about REXSUN, the work, the office and most of all the people. Oh geez! Crying has always been a constant friend of mine, but it soothes me. It’s my way of breathing from all the hurts I’m feeling.

I miss the BOSS, who has a very charming face, who once said that he wants to see me happy someday with someone, that he is hopeful! I miss the PROJECT MANAGER, who has a very nice voice and sings very well, who wants to be watched with all of his videos on his tab. We didn’t get along well at first, he actually made me cry, but things turn out good on the latter. I miss the GENERAL MANAGER, the KUYA who always throws a joke to brighten up the day, our defender, the shock absorber. I miss the ARCHITECT, I always believe in his capabilities, his works were amazing! At such a young age, he takes life independently, and knows no boundaries when it comes to pursuing his dreams. I know He’ll make it! I miss the OTHER ARCHITECT, soft-spoken and he’s very down to earth. He listens that’s why he learns. I hope that he’ll finish his degree and He’ll make it too! I miss the ENGINEER, the small guy who has his own beliefs, but he listens too. One day he’ll make it big if he’ll be better and do the right thing! I miss the NEW ONE, the right hand man of the boss. Who’s very quiet, but laughs aloud. He’s nice to me when I’ve already been transferred. He helped me a lot, and he made things easy for me during my 1 week stay in the “new” work. And it was nice working with him. I miss all the people I met there, the people I used to get along with. The people who warmly accepted me and had help me during my 1 week stay. Most of all, I miss the SECRETARY, who helped me built my confidence, who believes that I can get through the entire job when she’s not around, who backs me up whenever things are not going well, who is a friend, a very dear one to me!:( It’s sad, but I decided to keep a distant for a while. To sort things out and to just let time heal what has been burned. I miss them but I have to let go.